FAQ: Reconciliation Reporting


Reconciliation Reporting provides Paxos Crypto Brokerage Customers with two daily reports:

  1. a list of transactions (orders, executions, stablecoin conversions, transfers, deposits and withdrawals) for a 24 hour interval.
  2. a daily snapshot of account balances.

Reports are generated daily at a configurable time (00:00 UTC by default), and can be downloaded from Paxos SFTP servers in CSV format.


Who can receive Reconciliation Reports?

All customers of Paxos Crypto Brokerage can sign up for Reconciliation Reports - ask your Paxos Account Representative if you are unsure.

What reports are available?

We provide two reports: the Profile Balances Report and Profile Transactions Report. Reports are generated on a daily basis (by default after 00:00:00 UTC) and cover transactions from 00:00:00 UTC of the previous day to 23:59:59 UTC of the current day. The timezone offset is configurable.

Both reports contain activities for a single day.

Profile Balances Report

A report of the start-of-day balance and end-of-day balance for all assets. Typically, the report contains records for multiple Profiles.

Example file name:


Example starting balance record:


Example ending balance record:


Profile Transactions Report

A report of all transactions (orders, executions, stablecoin conversions) and associated accounting movements (transfers, deposits and withdrawals) on each profile that occurred during the recon file window.

Example file name: 2021-11-16_profile_transactions.csv

Refer to Reconciliation Reporting Data Dictionary for details on all fields in the reports. 

How do I access and download reports? 

Reports are generated into the reports/unprocessed/ folder on a SFTP server. The SFTP domains are sftp.sandbox.paxos.com for sandbox environment and sftp.paxos.com for production environment.

After downloading and processing, it is recommended to move files to the reports/processed/ folder. 

If files for the current interval are not available in unprocessed/ or processed/ folders, they will be regenerated. 

To download files from SFTP server, customers can use a GUI Client (e.g. cyberduck, filezilla), or command line tools:  

sftp -i /path/to/my-private-key <account>@sftp.paxos.com:/<account>.prod.itbitprod.sftp/home/reports/unprocessed/2021-12-21_profile_balances.csv /local/folder/

For <account> we use the company's name or any alias can be selected by the customer. This will be provided to you during onboarding for Reconciliation Reporting.

Please refer to this article for Troubleshooting Paxos SFTP connection should there be any issues.

Can files be uploaded to another SFTP server?

No. Uploading reports to a customer’s SFTP is not an available option, the reports are intended to be ingested.

How can I sign up for Reconciliation Reports? 

In order to ensure the security of your data, we require customers to provide both an IP allowlist and SSH key. Step by step, the process is:

  1. Identify a list of external IP addresses that will be used to access the reports. Due to security requirements it is not allowed to create a connection open for access from any IP. 
  2. Generate a pair of Private/Public SSH keys that will be used to access SFTP Server. The following command can be used to generate a pair of SSH keys:
    ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
  3. Select a timezone offset for the reports. By default reports cover transactions from 00:00:00 UTC of the previous day to 23:59:59 UTC of the current day.
  4. Submit a Support Ticket (click here).  Please include the Public SSH key file, list of IP addresses, and desired timezone location and reports generation cutoff time. For example:
    • 7 am PST (DST will be applied)
    • 9:30 pm UTC+3 (DST will not be applied)

Once the support ticket has been received, Paxos will configure the reports. This process typically takes 5 business days once all information has been received.

What is the retention policy for reports?

Paxos does not currently delete transaction reports, but this may change in the future. All users must independently store transaction data to ensure compliance with any legal or regulatory requirements.

In what format are the Reconciliation Reports generated? 

Reports are generated as CSV (comma separated values) files, which can be opened as a spreadsheet, imported into a database, or processed by a script.   

What is the difference between Timestamp and ResourceTimestamp fields in transaction reports?

ResourceTimestamp” represents the time when the Resource has been created, i.e.: an Order / Execution / Transfer, while “Timestamp” shows the exact time of each action for this Resource.

Where can I see what fees have been paid on transactions?

In the profile transactions file there will be records with transaction type - COMMISSION. These can be used to calculate the fees.

I'm using Directed Settlement. Where can I find the recipient profile ID for a transaction?

The CreateOrder API allows users to specify a recipient_profile_id that will receive the base currency for buy orders, or quote currency for sell orders. In this case the order is executed from one profile but is settled to the profile specified in this field. Recipient Profile for such execution will appear in a separate line with transaction type "SETTLE_BASE" in the transaction reconciliation file.

How to find a Cancelled/Expired Order in transaction reports?

A Cancelled Order has records with Resource = "ORDER" and TransactionType = "RESERVE" and "UNRESERVE", but no corresponding "EXECUTION" Resource records. 

Partially executed and then Cancelled Orders have corresponding "EXECUTION" Resource records, and there will be "ORDER" Resource records with TransactionType "UNRESERVE" showing the amount of funds not executed on the cancelled/expired Order.

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